Selasa, 2 April 2013

Folklore East Java - Damar Wulan

Folklore East Java - Damar Wulan

Damar Wulan (Damarwulan) is a legendary figure from Javanese folklore .
 Acts Damar Wulan story is quite popular in the community and there are
many versions of the play, the staging puppet or written stories that have
 been made ​​about it. Generally, these stories are based Damarwulan fiber,
which is expected to begin to be written at the end of the collapse of
 the Majapahit kingdom.
Told Damar Wulan initially served as a craftsman
lawn to duke Loh Gender of Majapahit. Because the resin
 quarterly intelligence, Damar Wulan was appointed as a
servant mainstay Patih Loh Gender, and the duke had a
daughter named Anjasmara daughter who later falls in love with his good looks .. resin quarterly Once Damar Wulan mandated task of Majapahit king's daughter,
 the Queen Kencana Wungu ,
 to disguise in order to beat Menak Jinggo Blambangan ruler intends
 to rebel against the kingdom of Majapahit. Damar Wulan are looking to
 attract the attention of the concubines Menak Jinggo, namely Waeta and Puyengan .
 With their help, Damar Wulan managed to
bludgeon Wesi Yellow magic weapon possession Menak Jinggo.
Menak Jinggo later defeated and Damar Wulan a hero.
 He brought the two concubines, and eventually marry the daughter
 of the king of Majapahit.

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