Selasa, 31 Disember 2013

Surabaya  DEC 2013

DECEMBER 2013.setiap tahun aku pastinya tidak akan melepaskan peluang aku ke Surabaya.Sebenarnya aku suka bangat sama Kota Surabaya Yang menyimpan Ilham Untuk aku Adaptasikan disini.Baru2 ini aku sempat melawat perkampungan batik..Kota Majapahit..Waduh kok senang sekali bagi aku mempelajari sejarah Nusantara ini.Hubungan Aku bersama Penduduk Sini amat rapat..bisa berkomunikasi dimana sahaja ..ngak ketinggalan ada yang membawa aku jalan2.membeli belah dah ke majlis kenduri..bagi aku Surabaya tempat menenagkan fikiran kerna aku bisa mengenang saat2 silam zaman kanak2 aku dahulu...Surabaya tunggulah kedatangan aku di 2014 nanti iyaaa k...

DEC 2013

Alhamdulilah selesai juga Job wedding akhir tahun 2013..ucapan selamat tinggal 2013..menyusul ucapan selamat datang 2014.Bersyukur aku kehadrat ilahi kerna masih bernafas bagi meneruskan perjuangan aku memartabatkan seni fotografi ini.Insyaalah tahun ini banyak lagi akan aku pelajari dari pengalaman aku selama dalam tahun 2013.pada semua doakan aku semoga berjaya memartabatkan seni fotografi ini dan kejayaan2 lain menyusul..aminnn

Ahad, 20 Oktober 2013

Sepetang Di Sempadan Israel & Syria

20 Oct 2013, bertempat di kawkaba camp labenon. aku membuat tugas sementara di sebuah Camp tentera yang banyak sejarahnya.Camp ini pernah diduduki oleh tentera malaysia Malcon, dan  Malcoy.sewaktu meninjau keadaan sekeliling aku terlihat peninjau ISrael aiitu jenis pesawat DRON tampa pemandu.bagi kami ianya adalah normal.disini sempat aku bergambar kenangan belatarkan awan dan asap pesawat peninjau yang sedang belegar...

Jumaat, 11 Oktober 2013


Pada 05 Oktober 2013 bertempat di ITALI CAMP ( ITALLBAT ) Shamar, Labenon berlangsungnya Satu Acara " International Food Festival" .Acara ini Diadakan untuk memperkenalkan makanan2 dari seluruh pelusuk dunia.Setiap pasukan Dari negara2 asing yang bertugas di bawah Panji-Panji Bangsa bersatu dijemput hadir bagi memeriahkan aktiviti ini.Antara negara2 yang terlibat adalah MALAYSIA, INDONESIA ,FRANCE,IRELAND, GHANA,TANZANIA,KOREA,CHINA,CAMBODIA, AUSTRIA, ITALY,INDIA dan banyak lagi.Di kesempatan ini sempat juga bergambar kenangan bersama tentera2 luar dan berkongsi pendapat dan menjalinkan silaturahim.

Bersama Ckpl Nicky dari Tentera Nasional Indonesia ( TNI)

 Bersama teman2 dari Negara Indonesia

 Bersama tentera Ghana

 Bersama Tentera Korea 

Bersama rakan sekampung

 Bersama pegawai kanan tentera Ireland

Gadis2 Tentera Italy

Selasa, 1 Oktober 2013

Lagenda Pulau langkawi negeri Kedah

Legenda -Gunung Mat Cincang !

Gunung mat cincang adalah satu gunung yang terletak berhampiran dengan Pulau lagenda Langkawi....kedudukannya adalah berhampiran dengan sempadan Thailand. 


Menurut cerita dari masyarakat tempatan gunung ini di namakan sedemikian rupa kerana bentuk gunungnya yang seolah-olah dicincang-cincang. 

Pada pengamatan saya pula gunung ini adalah serupa dengan sebuah pulau yang terletak di mersing Johor iaitu Pulau Tioman(salah satu daripada 7 pulau yang tercantik di dunia.

Ia ada kaitan dengan salah satu ilmu pertapaan orang-orang melayu beragama hindu pada masa dahulu. Ilmu ini akan menjadikan mereka akan bertukar daripada manusia kepada seekor naga. 

Pada masa dahulu ada 5 orang yang menuntut ilmu tersebut.Salah seorang ialah yang terletak di kawasan ini iaitu Mat Cincang. Mat cincang adalah seorang yang suka mengganggu saudara-saudara seperguruan yang lain. 
Ia telah lebih awal keluar dari pertapaan menunjukkan kekuatan dirinya.

Kepergiannya dari kawasan pertapaan yang terletak di Indonesia itu dengan tujuan berlawan dengan salah satu saudaranya yang bertapa di Siam. 

Tiba di kawasan langkawi dengan bala tenteranya yang terdiri daripada buaya-buaya putih ...diikuti dengan halilintar telah menggangu keharmonian kehidupan disekitar Pulau Langkawi. 

Pada masa itu Pulau Langkawi adalah dijagai oleh oleh 7 pahlawan dari tujuh benua....semuanya adalah para wali allah...telah menyekat kemaraan sang mat cincang dengan sang siam dari berlawan...

Dengan menggunakan hikmat ilmu allah yang dimiliki oleh para wali allah itu maka berhentilah pergerakkan kedua-dua naga tersebut daripada berlawan...kalau diperhatikan kepala gunung mat cincang dengan kepala sang siam ia seakan-akan bertemu...cuma perbezaan fizikalnya sahaja yang berbeza.

Sang Siam bentuknya adalah lebih kecil berbanding dengan sang Mat cincang. 

Kalau diikutkan cerita ini ...orang-orang melayu memang mempunyai kekuatan yang tersendiri...bagi menubuhkan sebuah negeri.

Naga adalah kepercayaan orang-orang cina dan oarang-orang jepun...pada hal asal usul naga ini adalah terletak di tanah melayu...kalau lah kita boleh melihat ia semasa dia bergerak alangkah takutnya kita...sebesar itu seekor naga...dengan mengeluarkan api dari mulutnya yang boleh memusnahkan alam sekitar yang diduduki oleh manusia sekitar.

Walaubagimanapun roh mereka itu telah dikeluarkan...dan menjadi manusia biasa dan telah di islamkan...mereka sekarang adalah manusia biasa yang berpegang kepada ajaran islam....siapa mereka saya tidak tahu...tapi hiduplah mereka pada masa sekarang menjalankan kehidupan seperti manusia biasa....Tanda mereka keluar bersama-sama dengan 6 pahlawan islam ''...di saksikan oleh saya dan beberapa rakan saya ....siapa yang menjalankan kerja ini adalah satu rahsia dalam perjalanan hidup saya...seorang hamba allah.

Banjir besar yang berlaku di negeri Kedah pada tahun 2007 adalah tanda mereka keluar bersama-sama hikmat ilmu yang dipegangnya...auzubilahiminazait....alam juga bergoncang dengan hikmat ilmu allah yang dimiliki oleh para wali allah ini...tinggalah jasad si mat cincang yang ada pada masa sekarang di kenali sebagai Gunung Mat Cincang, Pulau Langkawi...satu kereta kabel telah diletakkan di tengah-tengah badan nya bagi pelancong melihat sekitar Pulau Langkawi...ia juga telah di isytiharkan sebagai geo park... 

Jasad Sang Mat Cincang di tinggalkan menjadi satu lagenda di dalam kehidupan pada masa akan datang..

Ahad, 22 September 2013

Bapakku Fm Radio Internet Rasmi Untuk Semua

Salamualaikom...Pertama sekali saya ingin perkenalkan Radio Rasmi Internet yang Di kendalikan Oleh Seorang DJ Terhangat Isma Halil Hamzah.Saya sudah lama mengituki beliau dari mula2 beliau bersama THR.FM ( Time Highway Radio) selepas itu beliau berhijrah ke pantai timur.sejak akhir2 ini saya di perkenalkan radio ini oleh seorang rakan.bila mendengarnya baru saya tahu beliau telah melancarkan Radio Internet .
   Radio internet Bapakku.Fm bukan sahaja dimalaysia malah seluruh Dunia  boleh mendengarnya .Buat rakan2 di negara Brunei , Indonesia,Singapura ,Thailand & Dan Filipina Boleh menghubungi terus menghubungi stesyen ini di talian +60342668803 dan +60342666996.
   bagi kami yang berada di luar negara pon masih boleh membuat panggilan dan mendengarnya..kawan2 yang sama2 bertugas contohnya dari indonesia juga meminati radio ini.
stesen ini telah menonjolkan Dj2 Seperti :- Dj2 seperti Dj haikal,Dj Kay Dj Amir , Dj Zazo ,Dj Isma dan Dj Pecal. Pelbagai segment dan dan lagu2 Menarik sentiasa memenuhi jadual selama ke udara..
untuk mendengar radio ini pelayar click disini saya tak nak ulas panjang lebar..cuma boleh saya katakan dengar dan cuba berinteraksi bersama dj2 yang ada..baru anda akan tahu.. untuk laman fb sila click ..

Khamis, 19 September 2013

Suka Duka Di Bumi Ambia

Asalamualaikom paa semua pelayar2 blog saya ini.Saya memohon segala ampun dan maaf kerana lama tak update Blog saya ini.Ini adalah kerana saya telah dimasukkan ke hospital Hasabullah Saida Lubnan tempoh Hari.Alhamdulilah saya kini beransur pulih.
Saya kini Sedang merancang Road Tour Bersama Anak2 Murid Baru Yang bakal saya didik apabila pung ke malaysia nanti,dan juga pelbagai program untuk merelasasikan Impian Saya menjadi seorang jurufoto.Hampir satus tahun saya menyepi kerana memikul tugas negara yang diamanahkan selama setahun di bumi Ambia ini.Tunggulah kepulangan saya Di malaysia.Ingin Saya di Puncak  Menara Fotografi.Sedikit pengalaman yang saya perolehi akan saya guna sebaiknya.Lokasi pilihan kali ini adalah Indonesia Dan Sabah.Insyaalah harap2 Sesi Road Tour saya akan lengkap.Pada Teman2 dan Pelayar blog saya ini doakan Saya selamat pulang ke Malaysia. Amin..

Keadaan Amergency Sewaktu Dirawat Oleh Tentera dari Spain

Ahad, 8 September 2013

Marjayun Sec East

Marjayun Sector East teletaknya lebih kurang 2 jam perjalan dari Beirut lubnan.Pekan in berhampiran dengan Tiyei.disini boleh dikatakan majoriti anggota2 dari UNIFILL yang bertugas di sector East selalu berkunjung ke sini untuk membeli barang2 keperluan dan barang cenderamata untuk dibawa pulang.Walaupon ianya kawasan yang agak aman tapi kami perlu berhati2.Pelbagai kemunkinan boleh berlaku jika keselamatan diri kita abaikan.Anggota2 UNIFILL yang selalu kelihatan disini adalah dari negara Indonesia,Spain,Italy,Nepal,Francis korea & chinadan juga dari malaysia.Jika kami berkunjung kesini pastinya kami tidak akan melepaskan peluang untuk berkunjung ke kedai menjual Coklat.Coklat disini di buat sendiri dengan buatan tangan dan resepi tradisional turun temurun.untuk membeli barangan keperluan diri dari Jam tangan,h/p,pakaian  sudah tentunya kedai yang amat terkenal di kalangan anggota unifil adalah Josh..kerana layanan dan barangannya yang berkualiti dan agak murah.Jarak Pekan Marjayun ke tempat penugasan kami di kawkaba kem memakan masa 1 jam.Walaupon begitu Inilah pengalaman kami bertugas kenegara asing amatlah bermakna.Kerana keadan malaysia amat jauh lebih baik dari tempat kamibertugas..hendeaklah kita bersyukur dengan apa yang ada.

Jumaat, 6 September 2013

Surabaya Kau Tawan Hatiku

Asalamualaikom pada semua pelayar2 blog saya ini,munkin sejak akhir2 ini orang sentiasa terfikir kenapa saya sentiasa menceritakan bekenaan surabaya,? untuk pengetahuan semua,surabaya banyak mencorakkan kehidupan dan mengajar saya menjadi seorang yang berguna tidak lupa juga setiap pengajaran yang sapa pelajari.Kerna Surabaya sudah memikat hati saya.kekaguman dan keadaan damai yang buat hati saya tenang.insyallah suatu hari nanti ingin saya mempunyai kediaman disini.Untuk pengetahuan anda semua sudah beberapa kali saya berkunjung ke sana pada tahun :

1997 mei,
2000 july 
2002 disember
2004 ogos 
2007 july
2010 march
2013 june

 maybe aku akan kesana lagi bila aja punya kelapangan

"Imagine the Surabaya City as the fairy's country, with the river from Kalimas gold, and the port from silver, Tanjung Perak." Supplement the imagination with the Surabaya City legend where the founder of the Surabaya City interpreted the Surabaya name, came from words Suro ing Boyo.
Suro meant the fish and Boyo meant the crocodile, a legend, the struggle between the Suro fish and the crocodile that happened in Kalimas. This legend afterwards was immortalized as the name of the Surabaya City .
As the Hero's City, Surabaya kept many historic memories.
As the mute witness, buildings were historic the legacy of the colonization period gave special nuances for the beauty of Surabaya City . The blend between the dream country, the legend, historic and metropolitan, all of it could be enjoyed in the form of beautiful and interesting tourist attractions. Various tourist attraction kinds could be encountered in Surabaya . It will be spend several days to enjoy it. The Melati hotel was suitable for the wanderer. Here also provided several five-star hotels. We could just walk around at the shopping centre. Here you could shop, enjoyed the entertainment while enjoying typical Surabaya food.
The recreation tour here was watching the sun rise, boating in the Kenjeran Coast and in the Kalimas river, visited the zoo, the amusement park, playing golf, and watched the performance.   In the night we could enjoy the nightlife in the restaurant, the pub, karaoke and the discotheque. The valuable history tour were including the Dutch old building like Internatio building, Grahadi building, Mojopahit Hotel, Pemuda Hall, town hall, and etc.
To know the struggle neroism to seize independence had the Tugu Pahlawan monument and the Submarine Monument . The artefact and the legacy archeology could be united in the Mpu Tantular Museum . In the centre of the city also had the legacy of the Singosari kingdom king that is Joko Dolog.
The main valuable tourist attraction religious is the Ampel mosque region. In this region established the old mosque that was surrounded by the China building, Arabian, in fact Europe with culture that associated well. The art object and souvenir could be bought in Art Shop, water port and the Pemuda hall Building . This building was also the centre of the art activity and the culture in Surabaya .

Kisah di balik suka dan duka

Dalam Pengakhiran misi aku di sector west lubnan keadaan kembali panas dan keadaan agak tegang..ini memerlukan kami berwaspada sebilang masa.jadi ianya menghadkan aku untuk merakam foto2 menarik aku.tapi aku bersyukur kerna dapat memikul tugas ini.malah aku bangga bersama teman2 dalam misi ini,adakalanya aku juga merindui keluarga aku di malaysia.tapi disini aku punya kawan2 yang baru aku kenali yang sentiasa menemani aku sebilang masa.Setiap penjuru yang ditugaskan pastinya aku mudah mendapat teman.
        Situasi yang paling menarik aku bertemu seorang jurufoto profisional dari negara lubnan ini.dia mengakatan aku berpotensi melangkah jauh kerna aku mempunyai cara komunikasi aku yang tersendiri.Dari situ aku akan lebih mudah di dampingi orang kerna mereka senang dengan cara aku.walaupon begitu aku tidak lupa tujuan asal aku keini..munkin inilah yang di katakan "BORN TO PEACE"

Jumaat, 23 Ogos 2013

History Sidoarjo, Surabaya Indonesia

History Sidoarjo

Legend In 1019 - 1042 the East Javanese kingdom ruled by a son of the marriage between Princess Mahandradata with Udayana (a Balinese prince) named Airlangga, in the reign of Airlangga, peaceful state of the country, security is guaranteed, and the country made progress. Because the king Airlangga have 2 sons, then at the end of his reign he deems it necessary divide the kingdom into two parts to be left to his two sons, so that does not happen in the future struggle for the throne. The division took place in 1042, which became the kingdom of Daha (Kediri) and the Kingdom Jenggala. Jenggala kingdom, established in 1024 is located in the Brantas delta region, which includes the northern coast entirely, thus mastering the ports and the mouth of the great river, while its capital was around the District Gedangan now. As with the kingdom of Kediri, has no airports sebuahpun so even though the yield on very large Kediri and tributes flowed to the very large, everything is all that can not be traded for the kingdom of Kediri enclosed from the sea as the trade at that time. So there was a struggle between the airport and the kingdom of Kediri kingdom Jenggala, which then caused a major war between the two kingdoms, which both claim authority over the kingdom Airlangga.Perang Jenggala kingdom ended in defeat, in the year 1045 (according to other sources Jenggala kingdom in 1060 still there).

Thus in the first Brantas Delta region sometime between 1042 - 1045/1960 had been standing suata kingdom is the kingdom Jenggala. It can be proved that at the time his government Sidoarjo regency is divided into several Kawedanan (district), it turns out Kawedanan names are still using the names that are used during the Jenggala Kingdom, for example: Jenggala I, II Jenggala, Rawapulo I, II Rawapulo , and so on. These names are lost in approximately 1902.


RAA Soejadi
Sidoarjo Regent
1933-1949 period

R.Suriadi Kertosuprojo
Sidoarjo Regent
1950-1958 period

HA Chudori Amir
Sidoarjo Regent
1958-1959 period

RH Samadikoen
Sidoarjo Regent
1959-1964 period

Kol.Pol. HR. Sudarsono
Sidoarjo Regent
1965-1975 period

Kol.Pol. H Soewandy
Sidoarjo Regent
1975-1985 period

Kol.Art. Soegondo
Sidoarjo Regent
1985-1990 period

Kol.Inf. Edhi Sanyoto
Sidoarjo Regent
1990-1995 period

Kol.Inf. H. Soedjito
Sidoarjo Regent
1995-1999 period

Drs. Win Hendrarso, Msi
Sidoarjo Regent
period 1999 -

Initially, precisely in 1851 named sidokare Sidoarjo region, part of the district of Surabaya. Sidokare region is headed by a governor named R. Ng. Djojohardjo, residing in the village Pucang Anom dibatu by a district officer is Good Ranuwiryo Pangabahan residing in the village. In 1859, the Dutch East Indies by the Government Decision no.9/1859 dated January 31, 1859 Government Gazette No.. 6, Surabaya regency is divided into two parts, namely Surabaya District and Regency Regency sidokare Sidokare.Dengan thus no longer a part of the Regency Surabaya area and since it was started was appointed a regent weeks to lead the district sidokare R. Notopuro (RTP Tjokronegoro) derived from Kasepuhan, son of the Regent Tjokronegoro RAP Surabaya, and living in the village Pandean (Old Market south now), he medirikan Pekauman mosque (Masjid Abror now), being square alunya at that time was the Old Market . In 1859 it was also, by virtue of Government Decree No. East Indies. 10/1859 dated May 28, 1859 Gazette. In 1859 the name changed to sidokare District Sidoarjo. Thus it can be said that the official formation of Sidoarjo regency was dated May 28, 1859 and as a Regent I was R.Notopuro (RTP Tjokronegoro) Originally Regency house in the village Pandean, then for some reason the Regent Tjokronegoro I moved to Kampung Pucang (Wates ). Here he built the present mosque Jamik (Great Mosque), but still in a very simple form, are on its western side made Pesarean Pendem (Asri). In 1862, he passed away after suffering from illness, and was buried in Pesarean Pendem (Asri). Instead, in 1863 was appointed as a regent of Sidoarjo alnarhum brother, the Regent RTAA Tjokronegoro II (Kanjeng Djimat Djokomono), moving from Lamongan. In the reign of Regents Tjokronegoro II's development - the development of a very large attention among others, continue development Jamik mosque that is still very modest, improvements to Pesarean Pendem, besides that it was also built next Magersari West Village District, which was placed there Madurese. Tjokronegoro Regents in 1883 for pension, which was soon in the same year he died, was buried in Pesarean Botoputih Surabaya. Instead of moving Sumodiredjo appointed RP but only runs vBulletin 3 months since his death later that year and was buried in Pesarean Pendem. Next in tahun1883 I was raised Raat Tjondronegoro this it can be noted as follows:
  • Development in the Field
    • Completion Jamik mosque that had been built by the previous regent is expanded and embellished with marble installation. This construction starts Friday 26th Muharrom POND H 1313, coinciding with the year 1825 and the date Wawu July 19, 1895. For Pesarean the Regent and his family, the princes and all the Ahl-ul-Masjid mosque on its grounds set Jamik (as we see now)
  • In the field of government
    • Composition of Government (Hierarchie) at that time in Sidoarjo regency is divided into 6 Kawedanan (District), namely:
      1. Kawedanan Gedangan
      2. Kawedanan Sidoarjo
      3. Kawedanan Krian
      4. Kawedanan Parks Jenggolo
      5. Kawedanan Porong Jenggolo
      6. Kawedanan Bulang
    Kawedanan names are apparently still using the names in the Kingdom Jenggal first time.
Pedudukan period Japan (March 8, 1942 - August 15, 1945) as well as regions in Indonesia, starting on March 8, 1942 there Brantas Delta region under the rule of the Japanese Military Administration. At the time of the Japanese occupation, which is fixed to Sidoarjo Regent Regent RAA Sujadi. Very militaristic Japanese government that not a few of the leaders and the Civil Service are considered to hinder the Japanese Government Kempetai victims. Everywhere was formed Seinendan and Keibondan and (as an auxiliary police), to the remote villages.
Government of the Republic of Indonesia. As recorded on 15 August 1945, Japan surrendered to the Allies, at the time was the best time for the Indonesian nation to break away from the shackles of colonialism, everywhere in the region of the Republic of Indonesia established the various agencies or national associations. At that time the ruling in the Delta Brantas is Kaigun (army Sea of ​​Japan) who willingly hand over their weapons to our youth. Armed bodies were formed with the name of BKR and PTKR Among these agencies are the most powerful armed our area at that time was under the command of Major Sabarudin PTKR. Killings carried out against those suspected of spying for an enemy. Because of his actions that exceed the limit by the party leadership-tallest deemed necessary to disarm PTKR existing under the leadership of the Sabarudin. Finally power Sabarudin et al. can be disabled.
Beginning of March, the Dutch started off with his efforts to reoccupy our area. Dutch occupied Gedangan time, the Government deems it necessary to move the center to Porong Sidoarjo regency government. But there are still employees who are assigned to remain in the town of Sidoarjo as representative of the Government. Later in the temple in the form of Joint Headquarters as defense. At that time derah Dungus (District Sukodono) became seizure by the Dutch area. Dated December 24, 1946, the Dutch began to attack the city of Sidoarjo with majors Reinforcement run attacks. So on the day that Sidoarjo area also falls into the hands of the Dutch. Sidoarjo regency government again moved to the area Jombang. And from that time under the rule of the Sidoarjo area Recomba which runs until 1949.
East Java after the state was formed, the area Brantas entered the doll area. At that time Regent RI are: K. Ng. Soebekti Poespanoto. R. Suharto. Dated December 27, 1949, the Dutch handed back to the Government of the Republic of Indonesia, then it's also the Brantas Delta Region itself into the Republic of Indonesia.
Not long after the transfer of sovereignty back to the Government of the Republic of Indonesia, based on Law No.. 22/1948, R. Soeriadi Kertosoeprojo appointed regent / Regional Head in Sidoarjo. Many of the difficulties faced by the new government Sidoarjo. The more so because the Brantas Delta Region is an area with a liaison between the city of Surabaya pedalamanan area. As we know, including the city of Surabaya is the largest in Southeast Asia, so it does not escape the surveillance of foreign countries who want to spread their ideology Indonesian region. Therefore Sidoarjo region also face all kinds of infiltration, especially from those who do not like the Republic of Indonesia.
Kekacuauan-kekacuauan began to arise again in the regions. Kekacuauan-kekacuauan was mainly due to the efforts of the Dutch followers who do not submit under the Government of the Republic of Indonesia. Among the rabble-rabble rabble is led by former village headman Tromposari (District Jabon) Sidjono aka Imam Malik. In performing the chaos, Malik tried to keep other urban village-headman help him. Not a bit of Officials and others who became village chief Malik tool. Weapons they use apparently belonged to the former KNIL. His territory is the area of ​​a triangle: Gempol - Bangkil - Pandaan, and the whole district area entrance area of ​​operations. Thanks to the cooperation of the Civil Service, the Police and the Army, it is approximately in the middle of May 1951, the chaos began to be appeased, Malik was caught in the area Bangkil on May 12, 1951. Operations continue to run everywhere, and new circumstances at the beginning of August 1951 in the Brantas Delta region can be said to be safe and in control. Government gradually goes well back to the village outposts. Finally as the completeness of the new footage Sidoarjo regency history and to be known by the public, then we need to quote the names of the first regent of Sidoarjo since until now.

Photo Menarik Sekitar Siduarjo

   Tiap kota, terutama di Pulau Jawa, punya taman kota alias alun-alun. Di Sidoarjo, Jawa Timur, alun-alunny

 Kegiatan seni yang sering dianjurkan oleh muda mudi disini

 makanan khas Jawa Timur yang hanya ada diSurabaya dan Sidoarjo

 Tinggalan kerajaan majapahit bukan sahaja disini..ianya juga ada di malaysia.

                         : Lontong Kupang + Sate Kerang + Es Degan

 pada tanggal 16 April 2008 dengan nama Paguyuban Batik Sidoarjo mulai dikenali

 Perjuangan Kampung Batik Tulis Tua di Jetis

Sejarah tinggalan kerajaan majapahit

History Sidoarjo, Surabaya Indonesia

History Sidoarjo

Legend In 1019 - 1042 the East Javanese kingdom ruled by a son of the marriage between Princess Mahandradata with Udayana (a Balinese prince) named Airlangga, in the reign of Airlangga, peaceful state of the country, security is guaranteed, and the country made progress. Because the king Airlangga have 2 sons, then at the end of his reign he deems it necessary divide the kingdom into two parts to be left to his two sons, so that does not happen in the future struggle for the throne. The division took place in 1042, which became the kingdom of Daha (Kediri) and the Kingdom Jenggala. Jenggala kingdom, established in 1024 is located in the Brantas delta region, which includes the northern coast entirely, thus mastering the ports and the mouth of the great river, while its capital was around the District Gedangan now. As with the kingdom of Kediri, has no airports sebuahpun so even though the yield on very large Kediri and tributes flowed to the very large, everything is all that can not be traded for the kingdom of Kediri enclosed from the sea as the trade at that time. So there was a struggle between the airport and the kingdom of Kediri kingdom Jenggala, which then caused a major war between the two kingdoms, which both claim authority over the kingdom Airlangga.Perang Jenggala kingdom ended in defeat, in the year 1045 (according to other sources Jenggala kingdom in 1060 still there).

Thus in the first Brantas Delta region sometime between 1042 - 1045/1960 had been standing suata kingdom is the kingdom Jenggala. It can be proved that at the time his government Sidoarjo regency is divided into several Kawedanan (district), it turns out Kawedanan names are still using the names that are used during the Jenggala Kingdom, for example: Jenggala I, II Jenggala, Rawapulo I, II Rawapulo , and so on. These names are lost in approximately 1902.


RAA Soejadi
Sidoarjo Regent
1933-1949 period

R.Suriadi Kertosuprojo
Sidoarjo Regent
1950-1958 period

HA Chudori Amir
Sidoarjo Regent
1958-1959 period

RH Samadikoen
Sidoarjo Regent
1959-1964 period

Kol.Pol. HR. Sudarsono
Sidoarjo Regent
1965-1975 period

Kol.Pol. H Soewandy
Sidoarjo Regent
1975-1985 period

Kol.Art. Soegondo
Sidoarjo Regent
1985-1990 period

Kol.Inf. Edhi Sanyoto
Sidoarjo Regent
1990-1995 period

Kol.Inf. H. Soedjito
Sidoarjo Regent
1995-1999 period

Drs. Win Hendrarso, Msi
Sidoarjo Regent
period 1999 -

Initially, precisely in 1851 named sidokare Sidoarjo region, part of the district of Surabaya. Sidokare region is headed by a governor named R. Ng. Djojohardjo, residing in the village Pucang Anom dibatu by a district officer is Good Ranuwiryo Pangabahan residing in the village. In 1859, the Dutch East Indies by the Government Decision no.9/1859 dated January 31, 1859 Government Gazette No.. 6, Surabaya regency is divided into two parts, namely Surabaya District and Regency Regency sidokare Sidokare.Dengan thus no longer a part of the Regency Surabaya area and since it was started was appointed a regent weeks to lead the district sidokare R. Notopuro (RTP Tjokronegoro) derived from Kasepuhan, son of the Regent Tjokronegoro RAP Surabaya, and living in the village Pandean (Old Market south now), he medirikan Pekauman mosque (Masjid Abror now), being square alunya at that time was the Old Market . In 1859 it was also, by virtue of Government Decree No. East Indies. 10/1859 dated May 28, 1859 Gazette. In 1859 the name changed to sidokare District Sidoarjo. Thus it can be said that the official formation of Sidoarjo regency was dated May 28, 1859 and as a Regent I was R.Notopuro (RTP Tjokronegoro) Originally Regency house in the village Pandean, then for some reason the Regent Tjokronegoro I moved to Kampung Pucang (Wates ). Here he built the present mosque Jamik (Great Mosque), but still in a very simple form, are on its western side made Pesarean Pendem (Asri). In 1862, he passed away after suffering from illness, and was buried in Pesarean Pendem (Asri). Instead, in 1863 was appointed as a regent of Sidoarjo alnarhum brother, the Regent RTAA Tjokronegoro II (Kanjeng Djimat Djokomono), moving from Lamongan. In the reign of Regents Tjokronegoro II's development - the development of a very large attention among others, continue development Jamik mosque that is still very modest, improvements to Pesarean Pendem, besides that it was also built next Magersari West Village District, which was placed there Madurese. Tjokronegoro Regents in 1883 for pension, which was soon in the same year he died, was buried in Pesarean Botoputih Surabaya. Instead of moving Sumodiredjo appointed RP but only runs vBulletin 3 months since his death later that year and was buried in Pesarean Pendem. Next in tahun1883 I was raised Raat Tjondronegoro this it can be noted as follows:
  • Development in the Field
    • Completion Jamik mosque that had been built by the previous regent is expanded and embellished with marble installation. This construction starts Friday 26th Muharrom POND H 1313, coinciding with the year 1825 and the date Wawu July 19, 1895. For Pesarean the Regent and his family, the princes and all the Ahl-ul-Masjid mosque on its grounds set Jamik (as we see now)
  • In the field of government
    • Composition of Government (Hierarchie) at that time in Sidoarjo regency is divided into 6 Kawedanan (District), namely:
      1. Kawedanan Gedangan
      2. Kawedanan Sidoarjo
      3. Kawedanan Krian
      4. Kawedanan Parks Jenggolo
      5. Kawedanan Porong Jenggolo
      6. Kawedanan Bulang
    Kawedanan names are apparently still using the names in the Kingdom Jenggal first time.
Pedudukan period Japan (March 8, 1942 - August 15, 1945) as well as regions in Indonesia, starting on March 8, 1942 there Brantas Delta region under the rule of the Japanese Military Administration. At the time of the Japanese occupation, which is fixed to Sidoarjo Regent Regent RAA Sujadi. Very militaristic Japanese government that not a few of the leaders and the Civil Service are considered to hinder the Japanese Government Kempetai victims. Everywhere was formed Seinendan and Keibondan and (as an auxiliary police), to the remote villages.
Government of the Republic of Indonesia. As recorded on 15 August 1945, Japan surrendered to the Allies, at the time was the best time for the Indonesian nation to break away from the shackles of colonialism, everywhere in the region of the Republic of Indonesia established the various agencies or national associations. At that time the ruling in the Delta Brantas is Kaigun (army Sea of ​​Japan) who willingly hand over their weapons to our youth. Armed bodies were formed with the name of BKR and PTKR Among these agencies are the most powerful armed our area at that time was under the command of Major Sabarudin PTKR. Killings carried out against those suspected of spying for an enemy. Because of his actions that exceed the limit by the party leadership-tallest deemed necessary to disarm PTKR existing under the leadership of the Sabarudin. Finally power Sabarudin et al. can be disabled.
Beginning of March, the Dutch started off with his efforts to reoccupy our area. Dutch occupied Gedangan time, the Government deems it necessary to move the center to Porong Sidoarjo regency government. But there are still employees who are assigned to remain in the town of Sidoarjo as representative of the Government. Later in the temple in the form of Joint Headquarters as defense. At that time derah Dungus (District Sukodono) became seizure by the Dutch area. Dated December 24, 1946, the Dutch began to attack the city of Sidoarjo with majors Reinforcement run attacks. So on the day that Sidoarjo area also falls into the hands of the Dutch. Sidoarjo regency government again moved to the area Jombang. And from that time under the rule of the Sidoarjo area Recomba which runs until 1949.
East Java after the state was formed, the area Brantas entered the doll area. At that time Regent RI are: K. Ng. Soebekti Poespanoto. R. Suharto. Dated December 27, 1949, the Dutch handed back to the Government of the Republic of Indonesia, then it's also the Brantas Delta Region itself into the Republic of Indonesia.
Not long after the transfer of sovereignty back to the Government of the Republic of Indonesia, based on Law No.. 22/1948, R. Soeriadi Kertosoeprojo appointed regent / Regional Head in Sidoarjo. Many of the difficulties faced by the new government Sidoarjo. The more so because the Brantas Delta Region is an area with a liaison between the city of Surabaya pedalamanan area. As we know, including the city of Surabaya is the largest in Southeast Asia, so it does not escape the surveillance of foreign countries who want to spread their ideology Indonesian region. Therefore Sidoarjo region also face all kinds of infiltration, especially from those who do not like the Republic of Indonesia.
Kekacuauan-kekacuauan began to arise again in the regions. Kekacuauan-kekacuauan was mainly due to the efforts of the Dutch followers who do not submit under the Government of the Republic of Indonesia. Among the rabble-rabble rabble is led by former village headman Tromposari (District Jabon) Sidjono aka Imam Malik. In performing the chaos, Malik tried to keep other urban village-headman help him. Not a bit of Officials and others who became village chief Malik tool. Weapons they use apparently belonged to the former KNIL. His territory is the area of ​​a triangle: Gempol - Bangkil - Pandaan, and the whole district area entrance area of ​​operations. Thanks to the cooperation of the Civil Service, the Police and the Army, it is approximately in the middle of May 1951, the chaos began to be appeased, Malik was caught in the area Bangkil on May 12, 1951. Operations continue to run everywhere, and new circumstances at the beginning of August 1951 in the Brantas Delta region can be said to be safe and in control. Government gradually goes well back to the village outposts. Finally as the completeness of the new footage Sidoarjo regency history and to be known by the public, then we need to quote the names of the first regent of Sidoarjo since until now.

Isnin, 12 Ogos 2013


Bali is the last remaining large Hindu enclave in Indonesia. It is world famous for its arts and music.
Northern Bali came under Dutch control starting in 1849; the southern part did not completely give in until 1908.
Klungkung was the seat of the chief king of Bali from 1710 until 1908. Before that, the chief king was at nearby Gelgel.
Powerful kings also ruled from Mengwi, north of Denpasar. Denpasar is the capital today.
The kingdom of Buleleng in the north intervened in eastern Java in the late 1600s.
The kingdom of Karangasem (around Amlapura) attacked Lombok in the late 1600s, but later became a dependent of Balinese kings on Lombok.
In 1958 Sunda Kecil or Lesser Sunda province was divided into the three provinces of Nusa Tenggara Barat, Nusa Tenggara Timur, and Bali.



Pakej Percutian Kota Kinabalu Sabah (4hari 3malam) 
Hari Pertama
  • Airport Transfer (Airport-Penginapan), Check-in Marina Court Resort Condominium
  • Sabah Museum, Pantai Tanjung Aru, Perdana Park (Water Fountain), Signall Hill
  • Makan Malam

Hari Ke-2
  • Sarapan Pagi
  • Kinabalu Park, Kundasang, (makan tengah hari) Poring Hot Spring, Dairy Farm (Jambatan Tamparuli, Pekan Nabalu & Rumah Terbalik)
  • Makan Malam

Hari Ke-3
  • Sarapan Pagi
  • Island Hopping (Manukan & Sapi)
  • Makan Tengah Hari
  • Menara Tun Mustafa (Bangunan Yayasan Sabah), UMS Marine Borneo (Akuarium), Masjid Bandaraya Likas (Masjid Terapung)
  • Makan Malam

Hari Ke-4
  • Sarapan Pagi, check-out penginapan
  • Pasar Kraf Kota Kinabalu (Jamilah Enterprise-supplier mutiara & jewelery sabah, Frozen Seafood Market, Kilang Cokelat (chocolate coco boutique)Sabah Coffee Shop
  • Airport Transfer

*Pakej termasuk:-
  • penginapan 3unit Condo Apartment Marina Court fully  furnished (3bilik setiap 1unit apartment)
  • 2unit Van Nissan Urvan 14penumpang bersama pemandu/tour guide
  • 2unit bot (island hopping)
  • entrance fee (bayaran masuk tempat lawatan)
  • makan-minum peserta sepanjang lawatan.

*RM499/orang sahaja (minimum 18 orang)
**Selamat Datang ke negeri di-Bawah Bayu.....

#Pakej 5hari 4malam RM485/orang tidak termasuk makan-minum & entrance fee
#Pakej 4hari 3malam RM385/orang tidak termasuk makan-minum & entrance fee
#Pakej 3hari 2malam RM285/orang tidak termasuk makan-minum & entrance fee

Untuk Tempahan & Pertanyaan sila hubungi:
Mobile: +6016-847 0945/+6019-205 2278 (Mohd Don Hj. Aris)
Tel: +6088-318212         Fax: +6088-252 212 



Kereta Sewa di Kota Kinabalu Sabah
Kota Kinabalu ialah Ibunegeri Sabah dan merupakan pintu masuk ke tempat-tempat pelancongan menarik yang berada di seluruh negeri Sabah Di bawah Bayu. Dalam menyempurnakan percutian impian anda kami berusaha menyediakan khidmat kereta sewa dengan harga yang berpatutan dan layanan yang pastinya memuaskan.

Bagi penyewaan di Kota Kinabalu kami menawarkan:

7 seater dan ke atas
Toyota Avanza 1.5 - Auto
Van Nissan Urvan - Manual

Normal Car
Proton Persona - Auto
Perodua Myvi - Auto
Proton Saga Baru - Auto
Proton Perdana Executive
Mercedes Benz S320

Toyota Fortuner - Auto
Mitshubishi Triton - Auto

Bas Persiaran - 40 penumpang ( beserta pemandu )

Untuk kereta-kereta jenis lain akan disediakan mengikut permintaan.
Harga sewaan amat berpatutan dan boleh dirunding mengikut tempoh sewaan.

Untuk Maklumat Lanjut atau sebarang pertanyaan mengenai hotel, laluan, kemudahan atau perkara lain yang melibatkan Kota Kinabalu bolehlah menghubungi kami

Destinasi menarik di Kota Kinabalu 
  • Bersiar-siar di Kota Kinabalu
  • Kampung Budaya Monsopiad
  • Karambunai Resorts Golf Club
  • Kereta api Borneo Utara / North Borneo Railway
  • Masjid Negeri Sabah
  • Menara Jam Atkinson
  • Menara Tun Mustapha
  • Muzium Sabah & Kampung Budaya
  • Pantai Tanjung Aru
  • Pasar Kraf tangan(Pasar Filipina)
  • Platform Pemerhatian Bukit Signal
  • Pusat Tanah Lembap Kota Kinabalu
  • Sabah Golf & Country Club
  • Sutera Harbour Golf & Country Club
  • Tamu Mingguan Jalan Gaya
  • The Waterfront 
  • Memorial Perang Petagas 
  • Tugu Peringatan Double 6  
Untuk Maklumat Lanjut atau sebarang pertanyaan mengenai hotel, laluan, kemudahan atau di talian +60168470945/+60192052278 atau email kami di dan hantarkan maklumat di bawah:-

1) Nama
2) Pick up date/time
3) Return date/time
4) Jenis Kereta

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